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Time alone helps me to still my thoughts and quiet my mind. It is time to nurture myself emotionally, spiritually, physically. However, that time alone often comes with a giant dollop of guilt.

Only recently have I come to understand that giving myself this time alone when I need it, which in the past was often too late, is an act of selfcare.  I felt guilt in giving myself time, I felt guilt saying no to other people.  Saying no to someone does not feel great. I feel selfish.

I’ve spent some time thinking about my sense of guilt. My ego seems to be behind that feeling of guilt. If I didn’t do what others wanted, because of me it would be “all fall down”. What ego!

When I recognise ego and guilt-driven thoughts I can strive to have different thoughts. Less negative self talk means more selfcare.

Practice makes perfect and I have practiced saying ‘no’ with an open heart and a firm belief. A belief that to speak more kindly to myself and be less driven by ego is the right choice for me and for others.

“Be mindful of your self talk. It’s a conversation with the universe.”

David James Lees

How can you watch out for negative self talk? What might you do to offer yourself more kindness? What one act of selfcare can you do for yourself?

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